It was for issue 3 that Online Editor Laura and myself took to the beautiful town of Hay on Wye for the day, for an upcoming feature about holidays en masse. Known world over as the Town of Books, and now twinned with Timbuktu (yes, that's actually a real place), Hay is literally bursting with things to do, whether books are your bag or not - and they're definitely mine, as you can see on the left. Hey, everyone loves that new book smell.
Other highlights in the day included nomming our way through some delicious ice cream sundaes at Shepheds Ice-cream parlour - the elderflower flavour definitely comes with Laura's seal of approval. Although on a tragic food related note, Hay's renowned fudge shop was closed (right). Devastated was not the word -where else can you get Malteaser and coconut flavour fudge?
We also made friends with Mr Puzzles (below left), gawped at the enormity of a 24,000 piece jigsaw (where would you find the time?), got lost in The Cinema Bookshop, felt tiny next to a 7ft teddy bear, became flummoxed by a stairway to nowhere in The Poetry Bookshop, decided The Sensible Bookshop (below right) was not for us and had the pleasure of listening to an old lady shout 'CHUNKY VEG' five times at the top of her voice in The Hay Cafe. Good times.
As Tracks shows you, great days out are right there waiting for you.
Rachel E x
Features Ed.