Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Hello to the Trackersphere!
It seems this year the UK is to have a summer - and it has just arrived! Cardiff is looking beautiful with cherry blossom everywhere, and plenty of people eager to strip off adorning the parks, all accompanied by the tinkle of the Ice Cream vans. However, as you might gather from my Tracks profile, at this time of year I'm more interested in the Cornish coast.
This weekend I took advantage of the Bank Holiday (and the weather!) and headed down to St Agnes for some sun and surf. Unfortunately the surf wasn't up to that much, but the sun was lovely and so were the May Day celebrations. Cornwall is interesting in that although it is part of England its customs are separate, ancient and defined, much like Wales's. I witnessed my very first Bolster, a pageant celebration of the start of summer, annually held on the cliffs overlooking St Agnes's Chapel Porth. Look out for the video of this weird and pretty wonderful event next week on Tracks!
While I was down there, too warm in my jeans yet not hot enough for a bikini, I was thinking about the British seaside holiday and how difficult it is to pack for, especially in May. I saw some strange mixtures on the beach - shorts and sandals with a fleece, wellies and jeans with a vest top - all that was missing was a dad with a string vest on and a hanky on his head! I came to the conclusion that, short of packing everything you have and hoping for the best, the only way to solve the problem is to get into your wetsuit and get wet; you can't tell the difference in the sea anyway!

Sarah x

Tracks Art Director

p.s. Check out Tom and Josh; they were very proud of scaling the St Agnes rock!

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